Reports & Research

List of reports and research with links to related documents

Report Name



2024 Oregon Educator Equity Report

2024 Oregon Educator Equity Report- Executive Summary

The Educator Advancement Council, on behalf of and in partnership with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), Oregon Teachers Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC), and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) announce the release of the 2024 Educator Equity Report. The 2024 Educator Equity Report is the ninth report published by the state education agencies since 2015 on educator workforce diversification efforts in Oregon. The 2024 Educator Equity Report highlights several key findings that underscore the ongoing bright spots and challenges in achieving a more diverse educator workforce in Oregon.


2024 Building a Diverse Workforce Report prepared by University of California Irvine

This report supports the EAC and Oregon’s Minority Teacher Act (MTA) by providing insights into diversifying and sustaining Oregon’s educator workforce. It examines teacher turnover, the qualifications and career paths of new teachers, changes across different economic periods, and labor market outcomes for teachers who leave Oregon public schools.


2023 Oregon Educator Public Employment Report

The Oregon Educator Public Employment Report provides employment outcomes for licensure program completers within the Oregon Public School system. The report leverages data collected by the Oregon Teacher Standards & Practices Commission (TSPC) and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) through the Oregon Longitudinal Data Collaborative (OLDC) program within the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.


2022 Educator Equity Report

2022 Educator Equity Report- Executive Summary

An updated review of the current research on recruitment and retention for educator diversity, recent data on the state of diversity in educator preparation and licensure programs, and recommendations at the state level for Oregon policymakers, state education agencies, and partners.


February 2022 Teacher Workforce Demographics Data Brief

A short update on teacher demographic changes from the 2010-2011 to 2020-2021 school years in Oregon, which shows increases in the number of teachers of color, particularly among teachers in the first five years of their careers.


2020 Educator Equity Report

An updated review of the current research on recruitment and retention for educator diversity, recent data on Oregon’s educator workforce diversity, evidence of initiatives to create racially affirming and culturally sustaining environments among educator preparation and K-12 programs, and recommendations for Oregon policymakers and practitioners engaged in the continuous development towards an educator workforce that better reflects Oregon’s diverse K-12 student demographics.​


2020 Racial Equity Report

The report highlights the need for deep and critical engagement between one teacher's union and their internal work to build authentic relationships with Latinx and African American students, families and in school communities.

This report documents the narrative experiences of students, educators, community members and one school district union engaged in racial equity work.


2019 Educator Equity Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon's educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon's K-12 student demographics


Report on Section 48 of the Student Success Act

Section 48 of HB 3427 required the state to develop a comprehensive, statewide approach aimed at redefining teacher preparation, learning, and retention for educators of color in Oregon. The report was published in December 2019 and approved by the legislature in 2020.


HB 4044: Report on Educator Development and Student Achievement Gaps

As schools and districts in Oregon continue to work toward closing the achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds, an important aspect of the issue is understanding the recruitment, retention, mentoring, and professional development of Oregon educators in PK-12 schools serving students who are considered to have a higher probability of failing academically or dropping out of school when compared to other student groups. This report presents findings from an exploratory pilot study as per HB 4044 that was conducted by the Chief Education Office to examine this issue and recommend actionable steps by stakeholder groups.​


2018 Educator Equity Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon’s Educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon’s K-12 student demographics.


2018 Poverty Report

House Bill 3216 directed the Chief Education Office (CEdO) to continue efforts focused on programs and practices supporting the achievement outcomes of students in poverty. This report provides recommendations for school districts in developing a process framework to support students in poverty.​


2018 Accelerated College Credit Transferability Report

House Bill 4053, passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2018, is an additional step in the state’s effort to improve the transferability of accelerated learning credits. The bill requires an annual report on the transferability of accelerated college credit at Oregon’s public institutions of higher education, including the number and percentage of students who attempt to transfer a credit from an accelerated college credit program to an Oregon public post-secondary institution of education, and the number and percentage of students whose credits were accepted toward general education. The Chief Education Office was responsible for writing the report in 2018, in collaboration with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), which collected the required data from the state’s 17 community colleges and seven public universities.​


Educator Advancement Council: Implementation Progress Report

This report provides an update on the work of the Chief Education Office to implement the Educator Advancement Council (SB 182).


SB 182: Educator Advancement Council Progress Report

This report provides an update on the progress of forming the Educator Advancement Council and beginning the work of creating the educator networks. This report also includes background information about past and current state efforts to support educators and diversify the workforce.


2017 Educator Equity Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon’s Educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon’s K-12 student demographics.


Graduation Report

Qualitative analysis following community engagement sessions with upwards of 1,000 key stakeholders closest to Oregon’s education system.


Graduation Report Spanish

Spanish qualitative analysis following community engagement sessions with upwards of 1,000 key stakeholders closest to Oregon’s education system.


Practices to Improve the Achievement of Students in Poverty

The Legislature directed the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with the Chief Education Office (CEdO), to prepare this report related to school district receipt and allocation of State School Fund revenue for students in poverty.


2016 Educator Equity Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon’s Educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon’s K-12 student demographics.


Report from the Governor's Council on Educator Advancement

The recommendations in this report are in response to the Governor’s Executive Order regarding equitable access to professional learning and supports for educators.


Chronic Absenteeism Report

The Chief Education Office (CEdO) commissioned this report on chronic absenteeism in Oregon schools to better understand this problem in general, to specifically hear from students and families most likely to be chronically absent, and to present recommendations for the State and local communities. The report, created in collaboration with Portland State University and the Coalition of Communities of Color, gathered data through 44 focus groups in seven communities across the State.


STEM Education Plan

A comprehensive set of strategies to advance applied learning opportunities for Oregon students in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics education.


2015 Educator Equity Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon’s Educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon’s K-12 student demographics.


Oregon Poverty Facts and Analysis of Barriers

Prepared for the HB 2968 (2015) workgroup, this document contains the most current facts about poverty in Oregon, a survey and analysis of the barriers associated with increasing academic achievement for students navigating poverty, and an identification of services beyond education that already exist.​


Oregon Student Data Privacy Report

A review of the national discussion of student data privacy and use, an identification of key current questions for Oregon, a list of possible suggestions for states to pursue in order to improve their student data privacy policies, and a set of appendices that contain supplementary information necessary for the workgroup.


Poverty and Education: HB 2968 Legislative Report

The Legislature directed the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with the Chief Education Office (CEdO), to prepare this report related to school district receipt and allocation of State School Fund revenue for students in poverty.


Educational Assistant Career Pathways Report

The Oregon legislature passed House Bill 3254 during the 2013 legislative session, charging the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) with developing career pathways for educational assistants (EAs) to become licensed teachers.


Minority Teacher Act Status Report

A summary of the most recently available data on diversity in Oregon’s Educator workforce; promising practices for recruiting, preparing, hiring and retaining culturally and linguistically diverse educators; plans being implemented by public teacher education programs; and recommendations for achieving an educator workforce that more closely mirrors Oregon’s K-12 student demographics.


Research Summary on Accelerated Learning

At the request of the Oregon Education Investment Board, this brief summary of related research is provided to consider what known benefits exist for options that can include Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Early College.


Return on Investment in Education

At the request of the Oregon Education Investment Board, this report explains how educational policy makes can measure returns on educational investments.


SB 222 Legislative Report: Accelerated Learning Committee

Passed during the 2013 Oregon legislative session, Section 1 of Senate Bill 222 (appendix A) established an Accelerated Learning Committee to examine methods to encourage and enable students to obtain credits while still in high school.​


Issue Brief: Disproportionate Discipline in Oregon's Public Schools

School discipline strategies and associated policies are receiving attention across the state; however, large numbers of students who display behaviors deemed inappropriate are still separated or removed​.