Regional Educator Networks

The Educator Advancement Council established 10 Regional Educator Networks (REN) as a way to center teacher and community voices in designing and supporting open access to regional, high-quality, culturally responsive professional learning that reflects local context and career stages. RENs, each led by a coordinating body representative of the region, have organized around improving systems to support educators. There is a strong focus on funding innovative change ideas that center educators’ experiences, creating a structure for regional innovation.

Educator-led networks for improving teaching and learning conditions

High-quality educator preparation and ongoing, effective professional learning and supports for educators are critical variables to excellent teaching, improved student learning and educator retention. In 2017, the Oregon Legislature created Regional Educator Networks to:

Enhance a culture of leadership and collaborative responsibility that elevates and advances the teaching profession among professionals employed by early learning services, schools serving students in kindergarten through grade 12, education service districts, educator preparation providers, nonprofit organizations, professional associations and community-based organizations.

Enhance access for educators to high-quality professional learning that supports culturally responsive practices; is guided by the needs of educators served by the educator network; maximizes collaborative leadership among teachers and administrators; and reflects professional learning standards.

Strengthen and enhance existing evidence-based practices that improve student achievement and that reflect changing students’ needs and demographics.

Improve the recruitment, preparation, induction and support of educators at each stage of the educators’ careers.

Enhance leadership and career advancement opportunities for teachers and increase the perspectives of teachers in identifying priorities for funding educator professional learning and educator supports.

Learn more about and connect with your Regional Educator Network

Regional Educator Network Plans

AIM Statements for each REN

Regional Educator Network AIMs

Each REN has a Coordinating Body, made up of at least 51% educators, to drive the work forward and be decision makers. The Coordinating Body identifies their region's needs based off of educator input, and then identifies AIM statements for the region. These AIM statements are the goals that the RENs work towards.

Each REN developed a two-year plan to guide their work. View 2021-2023 REN plans at the links below: